Biologists Create ‘Zombie Cells’

Posted: February 21st, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Bioengineering, Biotechnology, Cells, General, Life & Death, Zombies | No Comments »

Biologists Create ‘Zombie Cells’ In The Lab Which Outperform Living Counterparts.

Adoring appetite

Posted: October 2nd, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Artworks, Cannibalism, Food, General, Performance, Zombies | No Comments »

“Adoring appetite” performance by Caitlin Berrigan & Anya Liftig (2011)

“Caitlin Berrigan & Anya Liftig often use food in their work as a driving force of desire and social allegory. In this collaborative intervention, they will explore the obsessions, myths and terrors of motherhood through an act of cannibalism. Amidst unsuspecting midday lunchers and farmers market shoppers, the two young & upright mommies will coddle, pet, kiss, lick and ultimately devour life-sized babies cast in fudge and cream.”
